1 min read

What We Believe

Palmer Fellows are a select group of business leaders who believe in golf. We believe golf makes our lives better and want more of that for the people around us.

We believe in golf as a relationship and business builder. For us the math is simple: More Golf = Better Business. To do the exact math we need time for the data to catch up but short term we’re looking for sales numbers to change. Long term we’re looking for retention, both employee and customer.

We believe that golf value is not primarily tied to someone’s skill. We all know a 17 handicap who makes a lot of money on the golf course. For us it’s far more about leadership. How can we lead better as both host and guest to make sure everyone gets what they are looking for. If that’s a match that gets to the 18th hole, fine, but most work rounds should have bigger goals.

We believe in golf as a tool to help people feel included. The game has fairly earned the reputation for exclusion but those of us on the inside know the debt we feel to the person or people who allowed us to get started. If that person can be us for our employees there is corporate value.

We believe that something near magical happens on a golf trip done well. There’s a level of connection that is hard to duplicate in other corporate offsites. We work to have these events be a picture of what we want to create in the workplace on a normal day.

If this describes you or the way you want to be we’d love for you to consider becoming a Palmer Fellow.